Saturday, February 14, 2015

Title: How Are You Peeling? Foods With Moods
Authors: Saxton Freeman & Joost Elffers
Themes: Autism, Communication, Developing Empathy, Friendship, Social Skills
Age Recommendation: Pre-K through Elementary School 

Summary: How Are You Peeling? Foods With Moods is essentially a poem about feelings, illustrated with photographs of fruits and veggies wearing expressions that show their emotions perfectly. It is a fun read for anyone, but kids in elementary school seem to find it especially fascinating!

Ideas / Interventions: Learning to read body language and facial expressions is an important developmental task, as is becoming aware of emotions and feeling comfortable verbalizing them. I like to use this book as a way to introduce the basic communication skill of "I feel" statements. I also read this book with kids who struggle with pragmatic language ability; make a list of "feelings" words and have your clients match the word with the facial expression. 

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