Title: You Can Do It, Sam
Author: Amy Hest
Themes: Anxiety, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Developing Empathy, Social Skills
Age Recommendation: Pre-K through Elementary School
Summary: You Can Do It, Sam is a short, sweet story of Sam and his mom, who wake up early one winter morning to make and deliver treats for their neighbors. Sam feels worried about going to the door himself when they drop off the goodies, but his mom gently challenges him and encourages him to try. Sam is proud of himself for doing something hard and more confident in himself as a result.
Ideas / Interventions: I like to read this book with children who struggle with anxiety and self-esteem. Most kids can relate to the character of Sam and can identify times in their life when they have been afraid to do something. Engaging them in activities that allow them to walk out the pros and cons of trying something hard versus not trying something hard provides an opportunity for a discussion centered on developing strategies to manage their worries and overcome fears.
Ideas / Interventions: I like to read this book with children who struggle with anxiety and self-esteem. Most kids can relate to the character of Sam and can identify times in their life when they have been afraid to do something. Engaging them in activities that allow them to walk out the pros and cons of trying something hard versus not trying something hard provides an opportunity for a discussion centered on developing strategies to manage their worries and overcome fears.
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