Friday, January 23, 2015

Title: Don't You Feel Well,  Sam?
Author: Amy Hest
Themes: Anxiety, Parenting, Developing Empathy, Social Skills, Validation
Age Recommendation: Pre-K through Elementary School

Summary: Don't You Feel Well, Sam? tells the story of Sam, a little bear with a big cold, who is afraid to take medicine. Sam's mom listens to his concerns, validates his feelings, and makes some accommodations in how he will take the medicine. Of course, Sam finds the courage to try and the story has a cute ending. 

Ideas / Interventions: I like using this book with kids for a couple of reasons. The first is that it presents a scenario that most kids can relate to, which is being required to do something they find unpleasant and learning how to manage their distress. For that reason, this is a good introduction to developing basic problem solving strategies for kids who struggle with anxiety. 

The second reason I like this book is because most kids can see right though it; it's too simple, too easy. Sam and his mom have a sweet relationship that should be modeled, but in real life, problems aren't usually solved as harmoniously as they are in this book. Reading this book is a great way to generate a discussion about realistic expectations for conflict resolution, managing frustration, and learning to compromise. 

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