Title: Leo The Late Bloomer
Authors: Robert Kraus
Themes: Anxiety, Communication, Coping Skills, Developing Perspective, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Social Skills, Validation
Age Recommendation: Pre-K through Elementary School
Summary: Leo The Late Bloomer is the story of a little lion who develops at a slower pace than his peers. His dad is very worried about it, and his mom believes that he will simply grow into himself. Leo does attain all of the skills his father was so worried about by the end of the story and expresses pride in himself by exclaiming "I made it!"
Ideas / Interventions: This is a great, short book to read with young children and their parents. Oftentimes in a clinical setting, it is tempting to pathologize any delayed trait development. Not all aberrant behaviors have a trauma based etiology, however, and Leo is a great example of a kid who is just learning how to be himself. Leo's awareness of his differences from his peers is distressful to him and his parents help him manage those feelings well.
Ideas / Interventions: This is a great, short book to read with young children and their parents. Oftentimes in a clinical setting, it is tempting to pathologize any delayed trait development. Not all aberrant behaviors have a trauma based etiology, however, and Leo is a great example of a kid who is just learning how to be himself. Leo's awareness of his differences from his peers is distressful to him and his parents help him manage those feelings well.